In our fully-equipped workshop we can make almost anything from metal, plastic or engineering foam. Our two new machines provide us with the latest modern technology available only in few UK establishments. Access to standardised tool outlines also gives us the ability to adapt to customer needs and create specialist products, for high-frequency, microwave, and RF electronics.
We use the latest in high-speed machines within a comprehensive tool room facility at our modern CNC machining centres. Using this technology provides high precision machining within ± 5 microns with fine finishes and at competitive prices.
Some of our machines include:
Construction Materials:
• Aluminium
• Steel
• Nickel Iron Alloy
• Brass
• Copper Tungsten
• Copper
• Plastics
• Nylon
​The advantage of having our own line gives us full control of the process, providing priority to our customers and preventing delays. We offer Ni/Au plating, chromate conversion coating, with access to Ag plating and anodising processes too.
Successful plating depends to a great extent on the quality of the metal parts submitted and the control of the processes. We transfer burr free and uncontaminated parts to our plating facility in a condition that ensures satisfactory results.
As well as conventional wire and rig plating, we employ skills in selective area deposition and the plating of flexible circuits. We ensure consistent repeatability by rigid control of chemicals and processes, supported by a comprehensive quality control laboratory.
Not surprisingly our plating has had approval from many market leaders in the aerospace and defence industries
We have a facility dedicated to high reliability applications and provide a wide range of different plating finishes. We also supply fully supporting records of deposit thicknesses.
​First-class solder joining, and glass and metal sealing provide you with the utmost precision and quality, which completes our whole-package service.
TWM Technology carries out various assembly techniques including glass/metal sealing, brazing and solder assembly. Close liaison with our customers means that the correct materials are utilised to meet the necessary performance criteria.
Trained operators and high quality inspection equipment ensure that joining interfaces are made to required standard. Helium leak detection is carried out where full hermeticity (< 1x10-8 std. cc/sec) is required.
We have a large range of single and multi-way feedthroughs, both DC and RF, for solder-sealing into metal housings or base plates. If in-house metal parts are used, the optimum fit between feedthrough and corresponding hole is ensured, particularly important where reliable hermetic joints are required in high expansion materials such as aluminium.
To ensure the optimum fit between feed-through and package, we carry out assembly functions on our own-machined metal parts, and can solder over a wide temperature range. While we can use our own large range of DC feed-throughs, we can source Proprietary feed-throughs or receive them free issued by the customer.